07-07-2022 08:49 PM
07-07-2022 08:49 PM
Yes, you have come so far @Determined . It may sometimes feel like years of loss, but I like to see it as years to growth and gain.
Look how much you have learnt along the way. Consider the compassion you have for your darling. I feel this because without my MH challenges, my compassion for those juggling with MH-related matters would be next to nothing.
Considering the losses will send you into a spiral of depression. Considering the gains will give you hope.
08-07-2022 12:38 PM
08-07-2022 12:38 PM
I really second this @tyme:
Considering the losses will send you into a spiral of depression. Considering the gains will give you hope.
08-07-2022 07:20 PM
08-07-2022 07:20 PM
💯% agree @Former-Member @tyme
Maintaining that frame of mind is my challenge.
Requires an intentional effort.
26-07-2022 11:29 AM
26-07-2022 11:29 AM
About sums it up lol
26-07-2022 01:22 PM
26-07-2022 01:22 PM
27-07-2022 06:53 AM
27-07-2022 06:53 AM
I don't even know if this is how I post but will try anyway.
If I had to rate my daily functionality out of 10 then I'd say I was about 5
If I had to rate my mental capacity to function on a 24hr basis then I'd say somewhere between 2 and 3. I feel that I'm walking on the thinnest of lines between reality and a blur. Being the partner of someone with PTSD/MDD/anxiety etc etc that is unresponsive to to just about every known antidepressant, treatment method and now looking at the psychosomatics (psilocybins, cannabis) has literally felt like I've been ripped apart. Everything I say or do OR don't say or don't do, comes back to bite me on the bum. I even got to the point where my own health started to crumble (chest pain, panic attacks etc). So I took a step back and tried to look at it from the outside. Even though I have a roof over my head I feel like I live out if a Coles shopping bag and the back seat of my car. There's a massive void of help for partners and families, especially those that live in the country. Getting access to anything is literally like finding gold at the end of a rainbow. My GP is good but simply refers me to get counseling which I can access. Online phone counselling puts people on hold or fails to call back. Yes, I'm venting, sorry (there I go again, I just apologise (my partner has also mentioned that these apologies are just words))
27-07-2022 11:01 AM
27-07-2022 11:01 AM
Hi @Romeo it sounds like you have a lot to deal with right now. I'm sorry things are so hard. I'm glad to see you have some counselling support and support through your GP. What other supports do you have? I'm hearing it's difficult to access support services where you are and that must be frustrating.
I'm wondering if you are linked in with carer gateway and if that might be helpful for you?
I'm not sure of what helplines you are calling but the SANE support service operates 10am-10pm. I'll pop the details here if that's helpful for you.
Take care,
28-07-2022 04:52 AM
28-07-2022 04:52 AM
31-07-2022 07:47 PM
31-07-2022 07:47 PM
...well, that positive sentiment expressed in my last post didn't last.
I've had to take on most of household stuff this weekend because SO is out of sorts. And when I'm done slaving myself, she's still out of sorts, but doesn't want to talk to me. Because I add to her distress.
Now I feel everything I do is for nothing. Worse than rolling a boulder up a hill and let it back down; it's letting that boulder crush me.
I read what @tyme said to @Determined earlier for inspiration, that it's better to remind oneself how much they've gained than all the losses. Intellectually I get this (otherwise I wouldn't have done this for 10+ years). Nevertheless I feel this resentment bubbling to the surface.
I'll be alright eventually. Just need to vent. Thanks.
31-07-2022 07:51 PM
31-07-2022 07:51 PM
Hugs @tired_sisyphus , sitting with you my friend
And if you like to have a chat , we are here ❤❤
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