07-11-2017 10:36 PM
07-11-2017 10:36 PM
hello all
am trying so hard to think of something positive...
my head is so fuzzy...blank...numb
I am here on this thread that is positive...
I also related to the post from @MIFANTCARER
I have people who respond to my posts...that is very positive for me....
13-11-2017 08:06 PM
13-11-2017 08:06 PM
My positive for today,
Last assessment for the year...
Was absolute trype but it is done and submitted. Just hoping it is goodmenough to give me a pass for the subject. I think it will be a close call but it is what it is.
Find out results mid December.
13-11-2017 08:14 PM
13-11-2017 08:27 PM
13-11-2017 08:27 PM
Another positive for today,
S2 had an appointment this morning out of town that I would usually take him to, because I was so far behind in my assessment my darling actually took him without complaint. She has not done a big drive like that in a long time (about 2 hour round trip) so I believe it will be a good confidence building exercise for her.
13-11-2017 11:04 PM
14-11-2017 03:07 PM
14-11-2017 03:07 PM
3 jobs down 😊
Made room to put the tractor under cover and tree cut down that was growing against the shed, and finally got someone out for a quote on an addition to the shed.
Self care for today was going to an early morning bible study that I have not been to for weeks and went for a half hour walk (5 laps around a local park).
14-11-2017 09:08 PM
14-11-2017 09:08 PM
Just to reassure I am not stalking you...
you have bee supportive towards my situation
I just wanted to say that if your wife holds up inside the home at times...I have done this many times in the last 3years..
going for a long drive to take son for appointment is a huge step forward for all of you
23-11-2017 12:26 PM
23-11-2017 12:26 PM
Positive for today
Finally we have official confirmation that S1 enrollment into special school has been accepted. (School had accepted his enrolment but it had to be approved by the departmental nobs further up the tree). This is great news for S1 despite the fact that I am having a hard time accepting that it is necessary.
S1 has already been to visit for a transition day and is quite excited about his new school.
Really trusting that this will now take a load of anxiety off my darling..
23-11-2017 12:40 PM
23-11-2017 12:40 PM
It is still 2 more weeks until we can meet with the school to formally accept (only due to finding a common available time slot) so expect there will be a level of anxiety for her untill that is done. (Official enrolment meeting is 2 weeks Friday)
25-11-2017 07:10 PM
25-11-2017 07:10 PM
Positive for today and something that I am very grateful for. After a quite unpleasant week at home we managed to have a family day out on our boat today and it went very well. We made it home and everyone is still happy.
I was originally planning to go out by myself today to hide for a while but my darling decided she and the children would come with me. The day went much better than I expected even when the weather turned and we had waves crashing into our boat drenching us all everyone remained calm and happy. Usually that would send my darling into a spin but she was caught up in the boys excitement so actually enjoyed the bone jarring ride home desoite getting wet.
A typical 1/2 hour trip took us well over an hour. Somehow bub managed to go to sleep amongst it all. I was a little concerned to start with that he would be scared but he wanted more. Quite the little seaman. Would loved to have taken a video but we were all too busy hanging on lol.
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