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Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Hello @Barbara @Jasminej @patientpatient @Schnarf5 @Fxy344

have you  all seen the free on-line course for carers of others with symptoms of psychosis?

under category of feedback on carers forum

I have joined the list and I noticed that you have too @patientpatient

whilst nothing is going to change situations...any light on how to get through each day can only be a blessing

missed out on my first carer"s mental health support group outing today...thought to myself I bet that this happens so often to month there is nothing....have to wait until november

absolutely ironic because there are so many carers in this situation needing to talk to others with similar circumstances

well looking forward to course now 9th october

take care all

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Hi @Former-Member, thanks for the message. I signed up for the course and it's been interesting to read the introductions thread in their welcome area. Possibly more students and professionals than carers, that's the initial impression I got... and people from all over the world. Sorry to hear you couldn't attend your support group. I find it extremely difficult to plan ahead and often have to change plans at the last minute. Had to learn to "go with the flow" a long time ago.

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Hello @patientpatient

I do love your username

yes I agree......main countries UK and America I think

at least being worldwide the support will  seem stronger.... a larger circle of carers.....worn out family members and friends...even though isolated... knowing that you are not alone does count for something

nothing changes physically just mentally perhaps?

or am I philosophising and dreaming?

my draining...burning out is different...mine is even though not in my face 24 my heart constantly...


Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

I did one a few years ago run in Britain. Caring for people with Psychosis.  It was good.

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

hello @Appleblossom

thanks for feedback...always helpful...the more information we are given...the more we can learn

is there anything that you took away from the course that you felt improved the situation? or perhaps answer with your own question and own answer...

I am renowned for being misunderstood

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Too much of my situation is past history.  @Former-Member  Vague for confidentiality.

I have done heaps of research and therapy to survive the odds myself at all.

It was good to see best modern practise succintly put for the benefit of carers and therefore those with LE.

I will be away and off the forums for a while - out of digital contact.

Take Care all you CARERS.

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

HI @Former-Member thank you for the advise, i find it really hard to navigate myself around SANE website and sadly unable to find this online course for carers. could you explain a bit more in detail how to get there? thanks


Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Hi @Barbara, that online course info is here. (I also have difficulty with navigation, it's hard to find items once they disappear from the "latest post" headlines.)

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

thanks @Appleblossom

wherever you are and whatever you are doing take care xx

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

hello @Barbara

thank you for replying

if you would like to talk please do......

I hope that the course will be worst it will be a distraction

thank you @patientpatient I am hopeless with computer stuff

keep in touch all when you can...helps to keep the invisible thread in place