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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Do the Agaves self propagate @Former-Member

Wondering given the high concentration we have. Seems unlikely they would have been planted that close together. 


Re: Self care by growing a garden

We also have some border plants that I want to pick from the back edge and fill gaps that have died because other shrubs have grown across and shaded. 







Re: Self care by growing a garden

Yes they do, little ones called 'pups' grow from the base of the plant. 


These can be wiggled off with a bit of root and transplanted.

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Found another plant in the garden while pruning this afternoon. It is like a treasure hunt every time I dig a little deeper.

Any ideas what this is.Any ideas what this is.






Re: Self care by growing a garden


?dracaena reflexa variegata 


The border plants look as though they could be dividable - I would give it a go. 

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Just looked at the spec sheet for the dracaena reflexa variegata @Former-Member great pick. Thanks for that.


Was looking at the border plants and there seem to be lots of shoots that should be easy to transplant.


The other transplant I want to try is a native grass tree (aka blackboy) that is being crowded out. Dr google recons it is doable .


Re: Self care by growing a garden






Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Determined still flummoxed by other plant, don't think Indian horse chestnut quite right. Might need to see a flower to be able to identify.


Blackboy, depending on size also = $$

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Another succulent project

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Re: Self care by growing a garden

Not sure it will last long enough to see a flower @Former-Member as earmarked for removal. Planning on replacing it with a bottlebrush or similar. 


The blackboy is not small @Former-Member so reluctant to interfere given $$$ value but concerned that being crowded out will in time not be beneficial either so in long run moving it may be a better option. And the fact that what should be a nice looking plant looks terrible.