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I miss feeling confident

One of the things I miss most about my life pre-psychosis and even during psychosis was that I felt really confident.  Overconfident in the case of the psychosis, but still.  How can I get that back, or does a new confidence grow in its place?  How do you build your confidence while having a MI?


Re: I miss feeling confident

Hi @Gwynn . I think a new confidence definitely grows in its place. The new confidence is about having more understanding and compassion than we had before, and being able to manage our mental illnesse(s) and still have a functioning and successful life according to our limitations. At least that's how it's been for me. Of course, it's all a journey and we learn more as we go....

Re: I miss feeling confident

@Gwynn  Hi Gwynn I had a over sense of confidence when I was in out of control psychosis which included mania, delusions and hallucinations. Dangerously so. It has been 8 years since my diagnosis and my self confidence is still not great. I just keep working at it and hopefully one day it will be back to where it was prior to my illness. greenpeaxx

Re: I miss feeling confident



Thanks for sharing. Confidence is always a challenging attribute to maintain when having a mental illness as there are good days and not so good days.


Going through psychosis dampens your confidence as there is a lack of control over ones self. At least that's how I felt when I went through psychosis. 

You can get your confidence back over time, however it's about feeling comfortable with yourself and learning to forgive yourself with what you have been through. 

Some days I feel really confident, whilst other days I might question myself. It's about balance of the two.


Over time you will learn new things that will help establish your confidence. It might be something as small as going out to the shops, getting up in the morning. It is also learning to accept that no one can see if you have a mental illness unless you tell them. I use to have the mindset that I thought everyone was looking at me because they knew I had an illness when in actual fact no one had a clue unless I said something.


Confidence grows when you start to believe in yourself again about the things you can do just like everyone else, but just in a different way. For example, studying part time after my illness, where I was studying full time before I became unwell. The same goes for work. I work part time rather than full time. It's about creating the right balance in life to help your confidence grow.



Re: I miss feeling confident

Thanks @NatureLover , @greenpea and @jem80 , that gives me a little more hope for my situation.  It's great to come on here and feel less alone in it all. 

Re: I miss feeling confident

Hi Gwynn,

Confidence is so important to functioning and yet easily eroded. I have had Bipolar 1 Disorder for 35 years and at times through these years I have experienced a loss of confidence and poor self worth. I recently retired early due to my health not being good. I have found a loss of confidence accompanied this change in my life. Work was a great source of self worth and confidence, and there is a challenge in finding alternate ways to achieve this.

One of the things which I find helpful is to set small tasks which are achievable and rewarding. I have been doing some painting around home and it has been good for my confidence to complete this and other tasks. I have joined the forums in the hope it will be helpful to see how others cope, and pick up some strategies. One person talked about writing a daily list and trying the accomplish the tasks on it. I think this would also help with confidence. Good luck!!