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Looking after ourselves

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Suicidal AF

I'm suicidal AF. My doctor in hospital is not provinding any support or help. 
What can I do to improve my situation or help myself?


Re: Suicidal AF


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Re: Suicidal AF

I’m sorry. Is this really that offensive? Didn’t mean to annoy people.
I’m just really struggling.

Re: Suicidal AF

Are you in hospital now @Former-Member ? Maybe talk to a nurse and let them know exactly how you are feeling.

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Re: Suicidal AF

Yes in hospital.
They know. They don’t care as I’m just a bpd. I don’t count and I’m not worth care. I need to somehow help myself. I don’t know how.

Re: Suicidal AF

Reaching out here is a good start - it says to me that you do want to help yourself and need support to do so @Former-Member 

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Re: Suicidal AF

How do I go on leave tomorrow and not hurt myself?

Re: Suicidal AF

To be honest @Former-Member that is really up to you. Maybe find things to do that take your mind off your thoughts and if that is not possible then don't leave the hospital.

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Re: Suicidal AF

I think the thoughts seem more powerful than they are. They're only thoughts, we don't have to act on them 🤔 Find something to do that makes you feel the opposite, that makes you feel special... because you are 🏆 

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Re: Suicidal AF

Hey @Former-Member how are you travelling now? Have you been able to find a trustworthy practitioner to talk to? Keep us updated as to how you're going. Thoughts of self harm can be really overwhelming at times, you could chat to our SANE Help Centre on 1800 18 7263 weekdays to gain some strategies, or SCBS have both a phoneline and webchat Heart You're not alone @Former-Member 🙂

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