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Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

Hi Mummy Mountain,

I too have considered taking my daughter away from everything, just long enough for her to calm down and recover.  This is unrealistic though as my job is in the city and I'm also trying to get my own life back on track after a messy divorce.

I'd love to know of any Melbourne based treatment centres that can help with depression, anxiety and eating disorders.  Have tried quite a few, but would love to hear of any success stories.  Just need to know that there is such a thing as 'recovery'.

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

I wish so much i could state the companies you can order them with but Sane forums rules wont allow it and they will remove the posts unfortunately.

Hopefully you will be able to find them via Google or alternatively some Intergrative G.P's or naturopaths may know the names of the Pathology companies where you can self-order.

Unfortunately, the Australian Mental Health System usually focuses purely on Psychiatric medicines or Psychological treatment (talk therapy,CBT).

They often dont order tests such as PET scans for patients with Psych type symptoms,rarely order EEG's and there is little awareness or "remeberance" that many other things can cause Psych type symptoms such as thyroid dysfunction,vitamin deficiencies,young onset Dementia,errors of metabolism,M.S,TLE,cushings disease and so on...

Psychiatric medications and/or Psychological treatment definatelyhelp many people but also theres many people that it doesn't help and they are left with chronic symptoms.

The field of Psychiatry needs a "shake up" and modernising and greater utilisation of imaging for people with Psych symptoms and greater recognition of the physical aspects of illnesses such as Depression (eg;oxidative stress,mitochondrial dysfunction,Neuroinflammation,excess cytokine production etc) which have been shown in research studies.

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

Hi Ivana,

Is it allowed to advise what I should actually google?  Any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

Perhaps google functional pathology australia

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

Thanks so much.

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

My advice is to put her onto Lifeline straight away - she probably has decades of stuff to talk out that she's not aware of and doesn't know how to reach.  13 11 14 - most operatives are good and she can call them as much as she needs to.  Being heard is very important for someone with mental illness and lots of people with mental illnesses don't even realise how much they need to talk stuff out.  My advice is to get her onto Lifeline straight away (13 11 14) and give her privacy while she makes the calls.  I hope this helps. And pray.  Maybe pray with her.

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

Kidsline is 1800 55 1800.  Try to get her talking out her stuff straight away, somewhere private, over and over again, as much as she needs to with Lifeline (13 11 14) or Kidsline. I have said a pray for you both too.

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

Hi Terry,
Thanks for your concern and advice. My daughter has on numerous occasions contacted lifeline but with no success. I pray everyday that she'll get better but it's getting less and less likely.

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

Keep trying Lifeline (13 11 14) or Kidsline 1800 55 1800


She will benefit from talking her stuff out.  Try again.  It's very healing to talk stuff out and Lifeline and Kidsline are confidential and caring.  She can call them 24 for times a day if she needs to until she feels better.  I was the same when I was young and am now a multi-awarded writer.  Get her onto the phone.

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

Goodness gracious me @Concerned@MummyMountain and @mia1.  I have just read this post and am at a loss to know what to say other than I commend all of you for having so much strength.  I am wondering what is going on in the mental health care system as it appears to be failing you all.

My thoughts about this centre around an involuntary admission to hospital under the Mental Health Care Act because I believe that each of these individuals needs to be in 24/7 professional and supervised care not at home.  I can't begin to imagine how difficult it would be to deal with this on an ongoing basis without rest/respite or any signs of improvement.  This is simply not sustainable over a lengthy period of time without something giving and my concern is that either they will come to grief or all of you as carers will crack due to the ongoing pressure of caring for these very troubled young people.

I believe @ivana is on the right track by suggesting that further testing be conducted to eliminate other possible causes.  It would be worth getting second, third and fourth opinions from other mental health practitioners to see if they have a different approach to treatment and possibly to instigate having some of the tests performed which @ivana suggested.

This is extremely hard work and I hope all of you are trying to squeeze in some self-care along the way because this is what is going to maintain your strength.  Also never hesitate to call any appropriate help lines for support for yourselves as well. 

Janna ❤️