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Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

Hi all,

I've contacted a health professional that will be able to order these tests and look into the other medical conditions that Ivana suggested.  Hopefully we will get some good results and try something different because everything we have tried over the last 12 years hasn't worked.

Problem is I can't get her into the appointment until mid February. Hopefully that won't be a problem.

Thanks all for your advice.

And yes, I have no idea why the mental health system doesn't work.  It seems ridiculous that someone could be 'too sick' to be admitted into hospital and left in the care of inexperienced family members.


Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

Intensive TLC for as long as it takes, and get her starting talking stuff out with someone immediately (Lifeline 13 11 14 or Kidsline 1800 55 1800) and face-to-face counsellors.  She will heal.  Pray on it and nurture both of you, as intensively as possible.  I got through it and now look after MY parents.  Love, expressed in different ways, will heal anything (god-willing). I have just said more prayers for you.  best wishes and god bless (and god speed).

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

Hi Terry
My daughter is 25 and has been suffering since she was 13 years old. She has had nearly 12 years of therapy, many calls to lifeline and suicide prevention services and medication. So far nothing has helped.
I thank you for your concern.

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

TLC will help.  It's the only thing that WILL help and it's the last thing the mental health services offer.  the mental health system has no idea, really.  it took me years to figure it out for myself.  as SOON as mental illness is diagnosed there should be a very intensive focus on emotional support and talk therapy.  Usually what happens is that you get to talk to a fairly bored professional for about one hour a week, and one does not know oneself what one needs, so one's state gets worse.  The people working for the mental health system know how bad it is, but they can't change the system (not immediately, anyway).  Intensive emotional suport is the key, starting immediately.  the mental health system doesn't care.  TLC will fix ANYTHING (god-willing).  You have two phone counselling services at your disposal immediately (Lifeline 13 11 14) and Kidsline (13800 55 1800 for people up to and including 25 years of age).  Encourage her to talk to these services immediately and keep talking to them.  Keep trying.  One CAN heal from these things.  Prayer will work too and you are both on my prayer list.  God bless.

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

Hi @Concerned

I'm pleased to hear that you have found a practitioner who is willing to investigate further.  That at least gives you some direction and we can only hope that these tests may find something which will lead to more appropriate treatment.

I've never heard of being "too sick" to be admitted - unless they are referring to physical unwellness in a mental health unit and not having the resources to deal with a physically and emotionally unwell person combined. And if that is their stance then the same would apply to a general hospital admission who would say that they don't have the capacity to deal with mental health issues.  Haven't they heard of "whole person care"?  and isn't there anywhere that can accomodate both?  It seems absurd that someone who needs help can't get it.

Just remember @Concerned that if you are very extremely concerned and believe that her safety is at imminent risk just call 000 and have her taken to an ED. 

Wishing you all the best and hoping that you get some well-deserved rest.

Janna ❤️

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

I hope this helps you.  Start with the intensive emotional support immediately.  Phone lines and free counselors (try the local community centre) and churches are ALL there to help.  You can do it, with God's help.  You are a little part of god and so is your daughter.  Try whatever intensive nurturing methods you can.  I healed and so can your daughter.  God bless.

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter


I want to thank you for your empathic and sincere contributions to the forum, and I think it's really great to have members provide each other with this sort of support and care.  In this case, @Concerned has already mentioned that her daughter has already engaged with Lifeline and had substantial talk therapy, so it may not be neccessary to keep suggesting these options.  She appears to be aware of them already, and has already acknowledged your previous posts. Are there other things that may be helpful for her daughter?  I'm sure we could all benefit from your knowledge in this area. 

Re: EXTREMELY Concerned about Daughter

I can't emphasize enough the importance of TLC and talk therapy.  Persevering with Lifeline (13 11 14) and Kidsline (1800 55 1800) over and over again is best.  The churches will help too.  Good old fashioned TLC in as many and as much ways as possible will help enormously too.  The scandinavian countries are having huge success with intensive talk therapy and getting people back onto their feet and leading normal lives quite quickly.  Lifeline, in my experience, is NOT something that you try once and than abandon. I call them whenever I am having a bad day and need to connect.  Sometimes I have called them many times over a short period, and I have told them of my frustrations with the mental health system too.  I repeat, TLC will work (god-willing).  Love never fails.  The churches are great and will do their best to help too.  god bless.


i found this site online: :-


would your daughter feel comfortable 'talking her stuff out' to online counsellors as per the above site?