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We don't even have Indian food in town,  so no Sir Lankan. No Tamil.  But we have a bad Chinese restaurant.  Lol.  Lucky us. 

I think I'd prefer not to kn9w if she would be sitting in on the class before hand.  Less chance for my nerves to build into huge anxiety. 

So how many days or half days are you up for at the moment? 

Community Guide


3 more half days @utopia this Friday then Mon and Fri next week. I think the time will go very quickly. I am enjoying the planning - it is nice to get back into using my brain again. 

We have a very nice Chinese restaurant very close to where I live - and they are super quick at preparing the food. I often order and then can leave to pick it up straigh away. There is also a great Thai place I go to fairly close - definitely my favourite place for take away food Smiley Very Happy

Senior Contributor


Id love an Indian restaurant nearby.  Love my spicy Indian food.

2 full days next week.  Yay!!! That would be good.  I can imagine you enjoying getting into it again.  Having an activity that keeps your brain occupied.  Am so pleased for you. 

Community Guide


Still on two half days next week @utopia but hoping for 2 full days the week after. That is the plan that has been worked out so just need to see how it all pans out. I will know more how I will cope with a full day after Friday as I start a little earlier.

Would be great if you had an Indian restaurant in your town close by. I have a whole street of food pretty close by to choose from - the advantages of living close to the city Smiley Very Happy

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Restless Bored Flat Flat Flat

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Hey @utopia here to chat if you feel up to it. It sucks you are feeling all those things - feeling flat myself tonight so we can be flat together Smiley Tongue

Senior Contributor


@Zoe7 Had an appointment with my psychologist today but I didn't go.  Didn't see the point.  50 mins there,  50 minutes drive home and not getting much out of our sessions lately. So wagged the appointment.  Lol. 

Frustrated I seem to be slipping back instead of getting better. 

Community Guide


I hope for you @utopia that this is just a phase you are going through and that things will level out again for you. It totally sucks though that you didn't feel like seeing your psychologist - that is a clesr sign that things are not okay for you. I know sometimes it feels like we are simply going through the days and not achieving much but that is not a nice place to be either - as you have said before - you seem to be just existing and not living and that is a hard thing to get out of with little motivation to do so.

Hearning you my beautiful cocky friend and here for you Heart


Hi @utopia .....


Can I make the suggestion that you give collaging a go today ?  If nothing else, just because you are feeling bored ?


Here are a couple of ideas -


Make a page of ”water” like a mountain stream waterfall amongst rocks, out of torn out pieces of paper in the right sort of colours.  The paper can be junk mail, and it can be collaged onto junk paper (newspaper, advertising flyer, gift wrap, brown paper shopping bag, whatever).  All you need is paper and a glue stick.


You don’t have to even like the finished product.  It’s more about the activity itself.  


It might surprise you.





2nd suggestion - a collage that says “Sunmer”, whatever that looks like to you .....


3rd suggestion - a collage that says “Garden”, whatever that looks like to you .....


Senior Contributor


Thanks for the suggestions @Faith-and-Hope, but I'm too tired to try any of that. 

@Zoe7 Mum just left me a msg to say she wants me to have my son sleep over tonight.  I really don't want him here at the moment,  but mum needs a break tonight.