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Community Guide


Really pleased your lawn is finally done @utopia and even better news that you are feeling a little better today Smiley Very Happy

No work today - had GP, DBT, pdoc and psych all today though Smiley Surprised

Work again on Friday - just trying to get some of the planning done for it tonight but can't really think very well so might need to wait until tomorrow. I am going to try to get myself to the pool tomorrow - missed the last couple of sessions so I really need to get there.

Senior Contributor


Boy that was one busy day @Zoe7. Don't think you could have fit anything else in. No wonder y9u can't think now.
Community Guide


I also rang the pay person to find out about my pay for the rest of the term and into the holidays and went to the shop. I have been trying to do my planning all night but I really can't think - I don't want to leave it until tomorrow but I may have to because it is doing my head in tonight @utopia It would really help if I knew how long I was having this class for but for now I have to plan one lesson at a time - makes it hard when I am trying to connect each lesson for them to the previous one also.

Senior Contributor


Of course you need to know how long you will be working with that class @Zoe7. Although if you just assume,  for the rest of the term,  that makes it easier to plan. 

Community Guide


I have been given no clear indication one way or the other at this stage @utopia but we have a meeting Friday after school with the HR person so I will ask those questions then.

I have just organised what I am going to do for Science so I can get that all sorted tomorrow - need to print some things out and laminate them and get a diagram organised. That means I only really need to sort out Maths tomorrow but I know what I am doing for that already - just need a couple of worksheets for different levels and that is done. I am feeling a little better about it all now - I hate to leave things until the last minute.

What are your plans for tomorrow? Or are you still just taking each day as it comes?

Senior Contributor


One day at a time @Zoe7. Sometimes 1 hour at a time. Just see how I go. 

Hopefully Friday you will get your answers. 

It seems like you are already organised,  you just have a little bit of paper to finalise. 


Community Guide


One day or one hour at a time is ok @utopia The important thing is you are looking towards tomorrow - that is an improvement and good to hear. It must make you feel a bit better that the grass is mowed too - one less thing to worry about Smiley Tongue

Yeah I have a bit of work to do on the planning tomorrow but now that I have it clear in my mind it will be easier to organise. I also need to give a couple of kids an extension activity but will think about that one tomorrow also.

Now that it is a bit clearer for me I should be able to get to the pool tomorrow so tht will be good for me also - haven't been for over a week now and I do miss it.

Senior Contributor


I hope you enjoy the pool tomorrow  @Zoe7 - exercise and relaxation in one place. 

Sweet Dreams.  I'm off to bed. 

Community Guide


I hope you slept well @utopia and today is kind to you. I slept okay and feel like I can get to the pool today - that is the plan anyway. Then I will organise what I need for tomorrow when I return home this afternoon.


Senior Contributor


Guess what? 

I went to the movies tonight and saw A Star Is Born and I cried. I actually cried for the first time in months.  Didn't think I could cry.  Thought I might have been too medicated.  But nope.  I cried!  Felt good. 

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