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Hi guy's it's my first time back for a little bit.

Just wondered if anyone else gets completely lost in there head, thoughts or space? 

Also I've been finding my "intuition/feely stuff"?! has been very intense this year.

I'm also finding out not everyone is like that. Does anyone else feel emotions very deeply? Hope this makes sence to someone. Can anyone relate ? ๐Ÿ™


Re: Empath/HSP?

Hi @Abby10 , welcome back ๐Ÿ™‚


Yes, I can relate. You might be interested in this thread: Being a Highly Sensitive Person and Mental Health ?

Not applicable

Re: Empath/HSP?

Hey there @Abby10 thanks for sharing this. I'd love to know more about this deep intuition. Love talking about this concept ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก Any examples you're keen to share? Look forward to hearing from you.

Re: Empath/HSP?

Hi @Former-Member 
Straight up sorry for the essay๐Ÿ˜‚!!!! It's hard to explain an I get worried how people will react but here goes. At the start of the year I could feel something big was coming. Just knew it! Could feel it!!!! With everything happening in au my hubby said it's probably the fires corona bla bla. But I'm like nup bigger. He's like hell how big can it be. Then i had an Epithany an I'm like I think this is it. I had the epihony mid year and went on some sort of high for a bit. So booked in for some therapy. I even had strong coincidences lead me to the therapist.

Occasionally I have visions, or hear stuff, I see stuff sometimes like light particles or gold glitter floating, or feel stuff like warmth off some people or a cool breeze when there's no breeze or anything around that I can't really explain. I have funny dreams some times to. Trying to explain this in the past has caused some raised eyebrows. But my main latest vision atm is a Barron patch of Sandy soil with dead seeds and a twisted gnarly white peonie with a touch of pink coming into a beautiful bloom under moonlight. I've also had visions in the past of things that have happened soon after. I've had lots of moments with wild birds to like when I've felt completely overwhelmed or so deep in thought about things and a bird shows up. I see the same 2 numbers everywhere when I'm on the right path.  Trying to figure this out and where to find legit info is difficult. Hope I don't sound to nuts. I've always felt different but didn't really know not everyone thinks like this if that makes sence. I also left a lengthy reply to @Naturelover in the HSP thread. I think I  feel more but I know things to if they makes sence. I was out bush walking the other day no cars around out there for months. No thoughts in my head then out of no where I think "a car" 3 times I thought it, so  I got my kids a bit closer to me then a minute or 2 latter a car comes round the bend.. So I think it's intuition but im only starting to learn and still trying to get the guts to ask questions ๐Ÿ˜‚.  Thanks for your interest @Former-Member . 

Not applicable

Re: Empath/HSP?

Sounds like something you're super curious about and through your writing possibly even excited about? I think it's great your self-aware of this very strong intuition and we look forward to hearing more about it ๐Ÿ™‚ There's certainly a lot of different modalities of dream psychology you may even find interesting. I would also recommend checking out Process Orient Psychology which was founded by Arnie Mindell ๐Ÿ™‚  @Abby10 

Re: Empath/HSP?

Definitely Curious! And excited but sometimes it can be a bit scary! All the feel stuff can be overwhelming.
Thankyou @Former-Member I would love to share if others are interested, wasn't sure if it was the right place but I'm glad I took the lid off ๐Ÿ˜‚

Thank you I will check this out!!! ๐Ÿ™

Re: Empath/HSP?

 We had a temp drop in our lounge room the other night, I felt a cold draft swept passed my legs. Hubby said it's got cold and started scratching the back of his kneck. He went checked all Windows only one was cracked opposite end of the house. Number explosion this week to more than usual. And I'm sure something was wobbling my bun when I was sitting so still.


Casual Contributor

Re: Empath/HSP?

Hi @Abby10

Thank you for contributing your thoughts and question to this form. I to have felt much the same. I try and meditate more which does help. I contuine to see signs and sysmbols which when I googled what it all meant (as I tend to do with these types of things) ๐Ÿ™‚ I found that I was experiancing somthing call the awakening I was and am still seeing numbers in sequences etc. It may not be for you but somthing to look into for people like myself who are empathic and sensitive to our surroundings. I feel there is a higher power surrounding us and its trying to tell us somthing that we might not be aware of or it maybe just telling us to step back and listen once and a while. I hope this has helpped and I hope you find peace in your thoughts very soon. 

K8tie ๐Ÿ™‚

Re: Empath/HSP?

Hello @Abby10 

Smiley Happy

The comments on this thread are great for me to read.

Smiley Happy

I love the way you are open, thoughtful and sensitive about the touchy feely, out in the ether zone, stuff.  It was great too that you pulled your kids towards you when out on the bushwalk.

Smiley Happy

I have always been a deep feeler and a deep thinker, but did not always have the words, broader understanding or time to put it all together.  Its def a journey!

Cheers Apple