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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Oaktree Potato Chips is all that I've eaten so far, too...


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

OMG .. get sick cert and Disengage. then write letter to local MP, any non Murdoch news organisation etc @Adge  got letter today  fm new DES, its brutal, all about penalties lolo ... gonna be fun think change again soon allowed like 5  changes a year think lolo

I remember this being an election promise to get rid of DES/jobsearch dog F*ckers .. what IS going on ??? ...


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

No, I was at home today - Totally Wiped Out by yesterday's Manual Handling Course.

Was too tired to go anywhere.

The Job starts next week (pressumably), after Induction on Wednesday.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

best smallgoods in SA @Oaktree  google bung fritz or mettwurst lol  perth weather insane lately

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Interesting looking sausage @TAB 

Hope it tastes good

Too hot to eat hot food today. 
Yes WA weather has been brutal this month. Going to rain and only going to be 28 next 2 days. Looking forward to cooler weather 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Adge Monty Python could not have written a funnier story 🤣

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yes @Oaktree @TAB Me too...

I'm looking forward to a few days of cooler weather here.

I'm so tired of walking out into a Blast Furnace....

Whenever I go outside my house, or go anywhere in fact.

Many nights my house has felt like a Sauna, even I'm trying to cool the house down.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Well I'm glad you found some fun & humour in it @Glisten

Not so funny when my Brain had gone to Mush (Mind Fog/ Trauma Symptoms) during the Course yesterday.

I did see the funnier side...



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast



I have all the windows open now but there is not really any sea breeze yet to speak of. Need to water the garden even though it’s going to rain a little tomorrow 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I've just been trapped inside re heat @Adge 

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