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Re: How's the weather today?

yeah am a bit old for up there @Bill16 lol

Re: How's the weather today?

Hi @TAB .


I was looking up some figures recently for comparisons of Western Australian Regions and other areas of Australia. The following information offers a comparison between the Midwest Region of WA and Victoria in terms of relative sizes and population.


The Mid West Region is one of the nine regions of Western Australia. It is a sparsely populated region extending from the west coast of Western Australia, about 200 kilometres north and south of its administrative centre of Geraldton and inland to 450 kilometres east of Wiluna in the Gibson Desert. The distance directly (on a single latitude line) from East to West of the region, is approximately 1400 km.
Area478,000 sq km     Population of region: 63,650   Geraldton population: 32,590 (2021)
{In June 2018 the population of Geraldton was 37,648, a decline from the recent peak of 38,792 in 2014.}
Victoria in south-east Australia in which Melbourne is the state capital. It encompasses mountains, national parks, wineries and surfing beaches.
Area: 227,444 sq km  Population: 6.681 million (Sept 2020)  Melbourne population: 5.2 million (est 2021)

Maybe there is a case for creating some incentives for immigration from some areas of the Eastern States to Western Australia? We would, of course, have to consider provision of employment, infrastructure, facilities and amenities. Though we have trouble, even now, maintaining towns in the more distant and remote areas of the state. Fly-in, fly-out seems to be more popular and apparently, more financially appealing to both employers and employees.


With Best Wishes


Re: How's the weather today?

nice @Snowie , it is sunny here too but 40 degrees so not as pleasant 😂


Hopefully the humidity means rain @HenryX and @TAB . We could always use a bit of rain and it is supposed to build up on Tuesday. Nothing yet.


@Eve7 hope you can get a more restful sleep tonight. 


Stay cool @Shaz51 ! Its very dry conditions where I am so I am not missing the humidity but lived in QLD for most of my life so very mush remember those days.

Re: How's the weather today?

Yeah the powers that be hate fifo where I am @HenryX Definitely too many people in perth
MidWest ok not Geraldton is dying despite mining

Re: How's the weather today?

very humid here
cooled off which is nice, but still sticky

hey its good to see you

Re: How's the weather today?

hey Snow Fox @Snowie
good to see you 🙂

Re: How's the weather today?

Hey @MDT 

Hope you are well


Re: How's the weather today?

@LookingHopeful  hot, sticky awful

Re: How's the weather today?

Hi @greenpea , @Snowie , @MDT , @TAB , @LookingHopeful 

and other members visiting this thread


I know it doesn't always help to know that others, in any other place, may be worse off than ourselves at any given time. And sometimes it can also be distressing to know of the predicament of others, knowing that we have no capacity to assist. But I was just watching a news report and decided to check the situation in the western USA. In addition to absolutely horrendous numbers of covid infections, their weather systems are really causing, what I would consider, almost indescribable distress. I checked it out and this site appears to give a pretty good coverage if any are interested in having a look:


With Consideration and Concern for others with whom we may, or may not have, any direct connection.


Best Wishes




Re: How's the weather today?

oh , that abc @HenryX  ..



..look out the window perhaps lol storm coming .. 😎