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Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Trauma and Supporting Loved Ones// Blue Knot Foundation // Tues 23rd February 2021, 7:00-8:00PM AEDT

Question 3: How do people cope with the impact of trauma?

It is important to acknowledge that everyone copes as best they can. That’s why it is important to celebrate survival and the coping strategies that have enabled a person to survive.


Some coping strategies which were protective at first can become less helpful later on and can become risk factors for physical health issues, or pose other risks. This includes alcohol, drug use, self-harm, suicidal thoughts and actions, avoidance, aggression etc.


It is important to acknowledge the role coping strategies have played but to support people to build their own internal resources to help them cope in different ways, as well as external support networks.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Trauma and Supporting Loved Ones// Blue Knot Foundation // Tues 23rd February 2021, 7:00-8:00PM AEDT

@Malinka  Hiu Malinka 🙂


@Emelia8  Hey Em8 xx

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Trauma and Supporting Loved Ones// Blue Knot Foundation // Tues 23rd February 2021, 7:00-8:00PM AEDT

Question 3: How do people cope with the impact of trauma?


I think it’s important to be patient with the people we support who have complex PTSD. Someone I care for still engages in more harmful coping strategies, and it can be frustrating seeing how slow the process of building their own internal resources can be. It’s painful to see someone you care deeply for continue to struggle. It’s helpful for me to remember, though, that recovery can take time; it can be non-linear; that the impacts of complex trauma can be profound; that they are still experiencing traumas, etc.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Trauma and Supporting Loved Ones// Blue Knot Foundation // Tues 23rd February 2021, 7:00-8:00PM AEDT

I think about that too @BPDSurvivor as someone who everyone says I have trauma but I don't know exactly what that is. It's confusing and do t know how to get better

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Trauma and Supporting Loved Ones// Blue Knot Foundation // Tues 23rd February 2021, 7:00-8:00PM AEDT

@Emelia8 wrote:

However I personally have complex trauma, so will catch you on the LE discussion from 8pm.

Wow. I'm only now realizing that there are two separate seminars going on tonight. Smiley Surprised Me = dummy.Smiley Tongue


I'm probably best served waiting until the next one, too.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Trauma and Supporting Loved Ones// Blue Knot Foundation // Tues 23rd February 2021, 7:00-8:00PM AEDT

Welcome @warmsunhelps @chibam @UTLAU and @Emelia8 🙂 Great to see you all. We have had a discussion so far about what trauma is and the impacts of trauma. Quick reminder to keep refreshing the page every few minutes so you can see the new posts

@Emelia8, not a problem, I will make sure to tag you when we start the Lived Experience discussion Heart

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Trauma and Supporting Loved Ones// Blue Knot Foundation // Tues 23rd February 2021, 7:00-8:00PM AEDT

@Cathybluknot, @Shaz51, @greenpea.
Just wondering if one parent as cPTSD and children witness arguments and discord between the two parents, would that one parent with cPTSD indirectly affect the mental health of the partner and the children?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Trauma and Supporting Loved Ones// Blue Knot Foundation // Tues 23rd February 2021, 7:00-8:00PM AEDT

@Cathyblueknot, if it's within scope of this discussion, I'd like to hear more about how those of us caring for ppl with complex trauma can support them and be patient, and also protect ourselves and our families from their more destructive coping techniques

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Trauma and Supporting Loved Ones// Blue Knot Foundation // Tues 23rd February 2021, 7:00-8:00PM AEDT

@Daisydreamer....... I am not coping well with trauma atm but keep trying by seeing my psychiatrist, mental health nurse, exercising and being in touch with my Sane online friends.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Understanding Trauma and Supporting Loved Ones// Blue Knot Foundation // Tues 23rd February 2021, 7:00-8:00PM AEDT

@Cathyblueknot, @Shaz51, @greenpea
....and how would you advise that we protect ourselves from the partner's cPTSD?