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Re: Holding the ends together

❤️ @Smc …..

Re: Holding the ends together

Sometimes it is hard to include our Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope ) into our lives

To find that balance is hard 

@Smc , @Faith-and-Hope , @Determined , @AussieRecharger , @Former-Member ❤❤ 

Sending you lots of tender hugs my sister xoxo @Smc 

Today I Ammm finding it very hard , but won't write about it here 

Re: Holding the ends together


Balance is really hard. Having a "not doing much" day today, partly because I'm just not up to it. xx


Re: Holding the ends together

I think having a " not doing much" day today is Having self care too my  @Smc , to listen to our bodies and to take note xoxo 

Re: Holding the ends together

@Smc  ❤

Happy to tag me in new thread.


Re: Holding the ends together

❤❤ @Smc 

Re: Holding the ends together

Heyo Peoples.... @Shaz51 @Determined @Faith-and-Hope... any other watchers.

Found out yesterday that a childhood friend of mine has "taken leave" of this life. I haven't had much to do with him for many years (just due to life moving on in different directions), but had heard via his Mum and mine that he'd had significant MH issues and was struggling with everyday life.

My memories of him are a little vague after soooo long, but are mostly of family visits out to their farm, mucking around in a small tinny on their dam, or climbing the willow trees along the creek, or big farm-scale whole-tree winter bonfires... or the time we were going there for dinner but the creek was in flood, so our car got left on the far bank, and we traveled across to the house on the flatbed of the farm truck.

His Mum has been hugely supportive of my Mum over many years, particularly in the leadup to her going in to aged care, and afterwards as well, until our friend's Mum reached the stage where she needed to move into care herself. It feels so unfair that she should have to deal with a loss like this so late in her own life. I know how it's felt when our Older Daughter has been struggling with SI, and I've woken up at night wondering how we'd tell people if she didn't make it.... or how would we deal with organising and paying for a funeral. And now this very long time family friend is actually in that place. She does have two other adult children who I expect will probably do a lot of the hard yards with the practicalities, but it's such a hard way to lose someone.

I want to ring her up to check how she's coping, but not today. And I'm keeping an eye out for the funeral notice, wondering if I can make the trip up there for it. It's 400kms by road, our car is waiting on parts for some repairs so we shouldn't push it to do that kind of mileage at the moment, so I'd have to go up by train... that's a full day's travel, and a fair few extra k's. I get on the morning train in town here, go into the central city station, wait a couple of hours, then catch another country train out, which gets to their end mid-late afternoon.

I used to do the trip regularly, but it got too hard to cope with, so for the past while I've made a point of not traveling up there on my own. It's quite lonely for me up there, and Mum and Dad's unlived-in house is cold... but this friend has done so much for our family, so I'm trying to work out if I can manage the effort. .

Re: Holding the ends together

@Smc That must have been such upsetting news to receive and I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you can find some space to get to where you need to be and grieve and have some closure. It sound like this family have been important people in your life 💝

Re: Holding the ends together

@Smc  thinking of you in all of this 🙏

Re: Holding the ends together

Me too @Smc …. ❤️💐🙏