12-04-2019 09:31 AM
12-04-2019 09:31 AM
Oi! @Shaz51
Mr Shaz has to be a man! - I think I need to send him a message on how to syphon petrol without endangering his health!! - I hope he is okay if he might have swallowed petrol - bad boy!! - That was looking for trouble but you know that
And I read this thread backwardss - maybe it would have been different if I had read it the right way but life keeps happening for you doesn't it? Oh - it can be crazy at times
And you had a migraine at the beginning - I hope that eased before the fun started - and your SIL had emergency surgery - that can be hard to get your head around - esp for your SIL - no one needs that but at least it is over now - and your Mum is accepting some outside help - let's hope she is easier to get on with all of it
Do you have the feeling you are sitting on top of a volcano right now - anything could happen and then does - aw - I am sorry this is all going on around you and you have your own health issues and something you do is manage your self-care in the middle of all of it
At least life is never dullThis is your second Mum thinking of you and wanting the best for you - wondering what will happen next
(sure I've missed something)
12-04-2019 09:51 AM
12-04-2019 06:37 PM
12-04-2019 06:37 PM
hello @Determined , @Owlunar , @Former-Member , @Former-Member , @outlander
wondering what will happen next --- very true my second mum @Owlunar
@Determined, mr shaz is going to fix the mower tomorrow , he has brought a a new pipe for the mower
yes my SIL is good, everything went well , she will have another 2 nights in hospital and then 6 weeks off work
Infection gone @Former-Member
12-04-2019 06:57 PM
12-04-2019 06:57 PM
Time now to put your feet up and relax @Shaz51 ??
12-04-2019 07:15 PM
12-04-2019 07:15 PM
yes totally @Former-Member xx
how was your day ?
just rang mum and aunty did not drop in this morning -- so mum did what was needed -- awwwww
12-04-2019 07:36 PM
12-04-2019 07:36 PM
Did Mum's transition team call in today @Shaz51 .
Sad day for me - SIL.cancer has returned, prognosis is months not years. Feel so far away.
12-04-2019 07:45 PM
12-04-2019 07:45 PM
Did Mum's transition team call in today -- only the physio lady today @Former-Member
ohhhh sitting with you and sending you tender hugs @Former-Member
12-04-2019 07:49 PM
12-04-2019 07:49 PM
Nice that Mum had someone call in, even if Aunty could not make it @Shaz51 .
12-04-2019 07:52 PM
12-04-2019 07:52 PM
yes meals on wheels dropped in too @Former-Member which were old friends of mum`s , which was nice xx
How is mr @Former-Member tonight xx
13-04-2019 07:15 PM
13-04-2019 07:15 PM
Checking in @Shaz51
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