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@Appleblossom - I want to be ready now.  I want this depression to finally be over.  I want to have a life with friends and activities. A full life worth living. 


❤️ @utopia .....


Even stating that so clearly is a Great Step.

Smiley Happy @utopia

I was not suggesting you need to be patient, just that I have noticed a weird gestalt or set of synchronicities when the timing appears right: ... whatever that means.

Smiley Happy


Senior Contributor


@Faith-and-Hope Look up Korie Heritage Trust Inc.  That will show you activities in Melbourne.  A weaving day is coming up 


Thanks @utopia .... 🤗


Uni work permitting, I will see if I can make it.

Community Guide


Hi @utopia How is life treating you my beautiful cocky friend? Heart

Senior Contributor


Just bored @Zoe7. Doing the same old,  same old.  Nothing. 

Am lying on the couch,  checking my messages.  Tired of reading.  Nothing else to do. 

What are you up to?  How did your first morning back at school go?  Have the nerves settled down? 

Community Guide


It was an afternoon at school @utopia and I don't think I will be settled properly until I get the feedback from the Principal. She seemed to be typing a lot so I don't expect it to be a short summary Smiley Indifferent I know it is a process I have to go through but it is very disconcerting - I didn't know she would be there the whole time until I started but I dealt with it ok - nothing I can do so I had to. At least I know where the kids are at now and can tailor future lessons accordingly - should make it easier to organise Friday's lessons.

I have done some grocery shopping and been to the pool today. Watched a movie this afternoon and been on here. Going to try to begin planning tonight but have a couple of days to do that so no drama if I don't get to it.

It sucks that you are bored - nothing worse than having some energy and nowhere to put it. How is the painting of the doors going - or are you yet to get anymore special paint?

Senior Contributor


Haven't got the paint yet @Zoe7. Finally have the money (ex husband paid some owed child support) , but have to wait til I go to the big town.

Do you mean the Principal sat in your whole classes,  all afternoon?  Wow.  Glad you kept your head together.  Sounds like you're just going to slot back in as if you'd only been away a week or two.  Well done. 

My friend has been posting these wonderful Tamil recipes on facebook and now I'm starving. But I only want to eat Are Lanka Tamil food.  Someone else cooking it (of course).  

Community Guide


Yeah she sat in the whole time @utopia - in a way I am glad that I didn't know that beforehand as I would have been even more nervous than I already was Smiley Surprised

I am more looking forward to Friday as I am teaching Maths and Science and I enjoy teaching both of those. 

Just had to look up Tamil food and it does look delicious - I bet there is nowhere in your town that makes it??