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Trauma won’t leave me alone

I've been hurt again  and and I feel bad for it self blaming I feel like I have support when I'm in crises I might need to look for psychologist in public system but I'm feeling ok seeing my private psychologist she's cool and she looks after me and I am starting to open up but my trauma hurts can someone relate 

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Re: Trauma won’t leave me alone

Hey @Evie1 yeah, definitely trauma does hurt Heart Sometimes it feels like it goes away, but it can come back and we feel it very viscerally Heart It sounds like you've got some good options with your private psychologist, have you spoken to them about what sort of support you could access when in crisis? Please know you're not alone and if you ever need gentle ears this community is always here to listen.

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Re: Trauma won’t leave me alone



I can totally relate right now. I haven't had much luck with my psychologist as she is incredibly hard to get an appointment with but have found myself an amazing counsellor that I am seeing almost three times a week at the moment. But the trauma flashbacks are a nightmare and so is the self blame. 

Hoping things get easier for you soon

Re: Trauma won’t leave me alone

It's so painful and I don't understand trauma 

Re: Trauma won’t leave me alone



While I don't know your pain, I do know my pain and wouldn't wish it on anyone. So sorry you are in pain at the moment. 

sending you a huge hug

Re: Trauma won’t leave me alone

Hi Evie

I feel your frustration & pain. I am fortunate to have finally found a wonderful psychologist who is very comforting & has a way of making me feel safe within my mind to finally delve in to my mental health. I'm a 44yr old single mother of 2. I suffer with Depression, Anxiety & PTSD due to x2 Domestic Violence Relationship's in my life as well as 33yrs of Family Violence. Throughout all above I've never been ready or able to stick with any counselling of any sort. The trauma has never left me yet eaten me alive, controlling everything I feel, do & it's debilitating. Your Not Alone. It's scary, it can be overwhelming but one thing I know is we all deserve to heal, so please stand tall, cry yourself a river if need be but then straighten your crown, wipe your tears, speak out as you are, take comfort in knowing there are real people like yourself fighting the same battle, we need you & you need us to grow because WE DESERVE A BETTER WAY OF LIVING & YOU ARE WORTHY OF HEALING 

Re: Trauma won’t leave me alone

@MelJane  Welcome to the forums, and well said. Thankyou. Something we all need to remind ourselves of.


@Evie1  Yes, I can relate.

Re: Trauma won’t leave me alone

@Maggie thank you, I appreciate your kind word's x

Re: Trauma won’t leave me alone

Welcome to the forum @MelJane !

Re: Trauma won’t leave me alone

Thank you 😊