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Looking for some coping strategies and self care tips please.



As the title says, I'm just looking for some self care and coping strategy tips please, anything at all - to do in person, online, websites, anything. I understand it's different for everybody but I'd really appreciate some suggestions if anyone has any, anything is fine.


I've been looking at stuff on other forums that people have tagged me in and have tried some things but the more ideas, the better. Usually what I do is listen to music (rock and metal), go for my daily walks and try to do some mindfulness with my surroundings, go on the forums, colour in and sometimes do a jigsaw puzzle I've been doing (1000 pieces), that's pretty much all I can think of.


My Psychiatrist gave me a couple of ideas, all of which I've tried such as doing a Mindspot course (I personally didn't find it helpful but that's just me, maybe others might), read Beating The Blues (I have it but haven't read it yet since I'm not a big reader), and other things.


Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks very much. Hope this okay to post and in the right thread, otherwise mods, feel free to move it to an appropriate thread.


Re: Looking for some coping strategies and self care tips please.

Hi @Former-Member 


Tough one, because its different for everyone.  For me, I like reading.  But my eyes have been playing up a lot lately, and I find it too hard to read for long.  Plus my concentration tends to be really bad when my MH is bad.  My psych suggested I get a talking book, and I have recently subscribed to an online audible book company.  You can download talking books online and listen via a mobile device from anywhere you like.  So thats a new thing for me.


Other than that I like to immerse and lose myself in some craft activities.  Diamond painting in a relatively recent thing for me, but I really enjoy it.  And you can create something unique and special at the same time.  I have made gifts of a number of these so far, christmas and birthday and thank yous.


Exercise is good, and I am a member of my local gym.  I try to make the treck into town twice a week.  But with the recent coronavirus thing, gyms are a day to day prospect as to whether they are open or closed.  Taking your dog for a walk is great, because its social as well as good physically.  I used to take my little dog for regular walks, but she has recently become very deaf (she's aging) and that makes it more difficult to take her anywhere.  A lot of safety risks for her unfortunately.


Although I am not personally into shopping myself, a lot of people do get a lot of pleasure from retail therapy.  Ie shopping for clothes, shoes, makeup, jewellery, etc.


Listening to music is good, as is having a collection of good movies to watch when you need them.  Or if you're lucky, a foxtel subscription which you can watch something on demand.  I love sport ... playing, watching.  But unfortunately the options are very limited with the cancellation of so much sport due to the coronavirus.


I'm sure others will have lots of other ideas too @Former-Member  ... incidentally ... I note that you tagged me in your post, but I did not receive a notification.  Probably others are the same.



Re: Looking for some coping strategies and self care tips please.

Some self care activities that come to mind are :




Diary writing

walking outdoors

have a massage

tasty food



leaving thinking about work at work

writing to a penpal

colouring in



see a movie


learning new things

see an art exhibition

creative writing

have a long hot bath

see a theatre production


hope that list is helpful


Re: Looking for some coping strategies and self care tips please.

Thanks @Former-Member and not sure why no one got a notification, sorry

Re: Looking for some coping strategies and self care tips please.

Thank you @DesertRat 

Re: Looking for some coping strategies and self care tips please.


I have these on my phone which I use


Re: Looking for some coping strategies and self care tips please.

Thanks @Snowie 

Re: Looking for some coping strategies and self care tips please.



It is so personal. The lists of enjoyable activities people posted has helped me a lot with coping.


I also have a pile of go to books that are my "in a tough spot" books. I can recommend some of mine but the one's that resonate with me, might not for you. Re-reading them is good because I totally forget it when I'm in the next episode or different parts stand out.



Opppsite action works for me up to a point. I'm sort of creating a list of things that keep me sane and in a routine when I'm well and then trying to intergrate even the smallest steps towards them when I'm unwell. Having the pre-established list helps me not have to come up woth one when my brain isn't functioning. But I totally can't judge myself for not doing them... it's difficult because some things are just not do-able/enjoyable when I'm unwell but they can certainly help me with recovery and, if I can do something close to them, prevent me from getting worse. Starting from - shower, regular bedtime, cooking, b4eathing, walking to... going to a gallery, listening to music that will pull me out instead of dragging me in, seeing friends I trust in a low expectations environment.


And distraction for me is huge for coping in a intense moment. Although that can become avoidance if it goes on for a while.




Re: Looking for some coping strategies and self care tips please.










