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Re: Best Friends Club

Thanks @Louie333.  Yes, it's been a very tough couple of years.  But i do feel like some positives have come from it.  I've worked on a lot of personal things and have more supportive people around me that I've ever had, because it got to the point where I started reaching out for the first time in my life.  All these support groups i'm now in, and this new direction i've discovered for peer work has all come from my dealing with my diagnosis over the past 2 years. 


It's even made me go talk to people about my issues stemming from being an adoptee for the first time ever.  I even start a new support group next Tuesday, where I will sit and (hopefully) talk to other adoptees face to face for the first time in my life. It's weird how good things can come from the worst places.  Ask me again in late November when my next test is due and I'll probably be in a state and a lot less positive while awaiting the result, but it's the same every 3 months so far. 


I think it's all about focusing on the things you can control and accepting the things you can't.  It's taken me a long time to get there, but for now at least, i'm in a reasonably positive place.  Hopefully you find that path to a more positive space with a less difficult path than I did Louie. ❤️

Re: Best Friends Club

@ENKELI wrote:

@Glisten So long as we have an ample supply of Temptations cat treats we should be fine with His Lordship. I don't know what they put in those things but it's like crack for cats. He can be outside asleep and as soon as I shake the bag he almost takes flight. I scattered a few on my doona cover and I swear he licked the pattern off the cover.

Our two are exactly the same... you only need to pick up the packet and they come running!  We have to keep the pack in a box, because they found the sealed pack once and lets just say it wasn't sealed after that and a full pack of cat treats gone.  Our big cat, he was over 10kg before his diet, will eat nothing but his dry food.  He won't even touch chicken or fish! But tempations... he loves them!  The other cat is a bit less picky but they'll both come running for those treats!

Re: Best Friends Club

Oh @Mustang67, I forgot to mention... after not being able to get your photo of that hanging egg chair out of my head.... I have one on the way! 🙂  It doesn't look as nice as yours, but looks comfy and eggy enough.  Can't wait to hang it up and watch the ducks!

Re: Best Friends Club

@MJG017 I am really in awe that you have discovered more self healing during what sounds like a very gritty difficult hard twi years to navigate. To go through such turmoil yet go on to help others is extraordinarily courageous. I am glad you have a good support network now. 


I hope you find peace around the adoptee Peer support group, for yourself and others. 

May November be a good no change outcome for you 🦋


I am hoping to find the sort of courage you have, am drowning in quicksand right now but having these sometimes profound conversations with people on crisis lines as I don't have a great support network at the moment. Family in the UK. I did go and just lie in the grass and stare at the night sky for hours the other night, came in feeling so much calmer. The little things sometimes, baby steps💓

Re: Best Friends Club

Thank you @Louie333, that's very kind to say.


Finger crossed for November results, and February's for that matter as I'd really like to start that Cert IV course and another bad result will certainly make that more difficult.


I think you will find your way into a more positive place as I have, it just takes time, sometime a lot of time.  Sometimes a bit of luck as well.  I found this place out of a pure moment of deep frustration where I just typed a question into google and SANE came up. I had no support network around me at all apart from my partner.


You're already doing so many of the things that I started to do when I first reached out and you've already worked out that it just needs baby steps.  That took me a long time.  Keep reaching out when you need it and even when you don't.  Just keep connecting with good and supportive people and it will help you see ways through and give you confidence that you can get through.  Then before you know it, you're on here every day, writing replies to people that meander on and on like you're channeling Tolstoy. I can feel people looking at me for some reason. 🤔😂


Trust yourself.  And as a part of my favourite saying goes(and my avatar alludes to)... "when it's dark, look for stars". 🌟

Re: Best Friends Club

@MJG017 Oh WOW. It is very comfy.  I hope yours is just as comfortable. 


I get to watch the ducks as well.  We have many and in spring, if I am lucky you can see the little chicks following their mum across the road. Sometimes they decide to sit under the carport, which is not helpful when trying to park the car. Lol


Re: Best Friends Club

@Mustang67 wrote:

@MJG017 Oh WOW. It is very comfy.  I hope yours is just as comfortable. 


I get to watch the ducks as well.  We have many and in spring, if I am lucky you can see the little chicks following their mum across the road. Sometimes they decide to sit under the carport, which is not helpful when trying to park the car. Lol

We get the chicks in our pool when they hatch.  Did I link to the video here?  If not...

Uploaded by Mark Godfrey on 2024-01-23.
Uploaded by Mark Godfrey on 2024-09-22.

Re: Best Friends Club

just wanted to pop in and say hi!! @ENKELI @Oaktree @Mustang67 @MJG017 @Louie333 @Shaz51 @Glisten @Meowmy + everyone else!!


hope everyone's evenings are going well 😊

Re: Best Friends Club

@rav3n wrote:

hope everyone's evenings are going well 😊

Thanks @rav3n.  I'm doing pretty good... without jinxing it hopefully 🤞 😁


I hope you've had a nice long weekend yourself.  Or weekend if you didn't have the holiday today.

Re: Best Friends Club

@Healandlove thank you so much for your kind and caring words.


And you never need to apologise for not replying the same day. I haven't been on here since the 30th, which was the anniversary of his death. I thought I was coping ok, but then the 30th rolled around and I wasn't handling it as well as I was hoping. I am still trying to get myself out out this funk. I cancelled my therapists appointment as I didn't want to talk to anyone. She is ringing me tomorrow to check up on me.I didn't even manage to make it to the cemetery. I will go once I start feeling better.


Kindest regards 



I have heard very briefly about the EMDR as my therapists mentioned it a couple of weeks ago. And she said it would be good for me.


But I don't think she does it.