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Re: Tabaluga's

I had a sticky beak at the outside of the building the other day @SmilingGecko  was early sunday morning, maybe 8am no one there at all. unless they walked there lol no cars there.

its 24/7 access so can go at 2 am like  i used to in Perth , if can sleep get up and go to gym lol 

plus can get rid of my silly exercise bike now, seen exact same ones new for $50 on fb cost me $250 its terrible, dimensions all wrong, weird pedals that dig intto feet, think oh yeah can swap them No. chinese engineering at its best , they made one side normal thread and the other side backwards, ie insanity cos they think they are so smart, and made threads way too long so put nuts on other side of pedal yokes , just laughable like someone on spectrum re-invented a bicycle cos everyone else been doing it wrong for 300 years .. ie stupidest thing ever seen lol

Re: Tabaluga's

The snapper and the skippys were undersized,only the herring were any good @StuF 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, going for shower and wash up. Hope you're  okay


Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF I think I did everything I needed to do today. Back into making a thermal heat resistant spritz for my hair tomorrow. The curling wand even on low heat is quite hot still. I get the frizzies a bit in winter so it will make a thermal spritz again. I use castor oil, coconut oil, distilled water, aloe vera gel and essential oils. I still have to go through my old supply of essential oils which has lasted forever in the fridge. No congealing around the rims of the bottles and the fragrances are still crisp like when I first bought them! I only have a small supply of essential oils. I only buy what aromatherapists would call an all purpose kit which you can use for just about everything. It will be a nice evening. I've had dinner and am about to wind down for the night 🙂 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yeah all good @Meowmy  just realised changed optometrist from today to tomorrow but have course tomorrow  ha 

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey, in my fishing books, catching anything is a great start @Bill16 ! Undersize? Just means throwing them back for someone else another day, all good

Re: Tabaluga's

I've always found exercise bikes uncomfortable @TAB - that and rowing machines. I use my Zen Chi machine as you know and its a beaut little device. It gives me the equivalent of one hour or more of exercise. I do it most mornings. Just be careful exercising in the early hours TAB. Heard it can overstimulate your adrenals and make you tired. I've noticed if I tried to go gun-ho in the mornings it was very weakening. I don't exercise until my afternoon walk around 3:30-4:00pm  It keeps my blood sugar down in the mornings

Re: Tabaluga's

Yep @StuF your on the money man

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

.. I havent go there yet @SmilingGecko 

Re: Tabaluga's

Well good nite folks @TAB @StuF.