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Well it's been a hellish few weeks, I have fallen into the rabbit hole and there seems no escape this time. The darkness has come and it thicker than the fires of hell. 

Things just don't seem to going right at all and my MH is just getting worse and worse. Not sleeping (afraid to sleep) not eating and not taking my meds. I know this doesn't help but why bother because when I am on them I either feel zone out or that they do nothing anyways. I didn't make it work today, got to the front and was physically sick and froze again. Crawled back into bed where I stayed untill I had an unexpected call. 

My 3 main MH professional and I in a conference call, at the end of the call I was given a choice be sectioned or have my ex move back in temporarily to provide around the clock monitoring, this means for at least two weeks of him being here making sure I eat, take my meds and be present for all appointments and no SH. I am not happy about either option but because of teenager trauma in a MH hospital I am taking the ex. 

I will not be as active as normal but I will check in. but like tonight, I may just support posts as I am struggling to even type this. So @Snowie  @eth  @Lee82  @Eden1919  @Purplerain  @Lotusgirl  amd anyone I missed I will be getting the care I need and will be safe. To some of the newest forum members please forgive me if it takes a bit for me to get back to you. 


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Re: Darkness

Hope each day gets easier for you @Former-Member. Thanks for thinking of me.

Re: Darkness

It seems like having your ex back at your house might be helpful @Former-Member 

Please look after yourself. We need to put our needs first if we are going to heal and grow.

All the best ❤

Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

So relieved to see you here my friend but I am so very sorry for what you have been dealing with. 
I know exh2 staying over is not what you are going to like but babe I think that's a good idea right now for your well-being and safety. 
I am still here for you and I am always thinking about you beautiful. Love you always @Former-Member 

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Re: Darkness

Thanks @Purplerain 💖

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Re: Darkness

I know, he has a big heart and is definitely the better of the two options @Snowie 💖

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Re: Darkness

Love you  3000 😂  @Lee82 

Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

😂 to infinity and beyond @Former-Member 

Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

Honey I know you are hurting real bad right now. Just want you to know that I am here for you babe. ALWAYS. No matter what!!!

Please stay strong for me. And stay safe. Remember you have D3 coming home for a couple weeks. Something to look forward to. @Former-Member 


Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

I got your message @Former-Member and I understand. You are completely right. I am just struggling with it all at the moment a little too much so I will be stepping back a little however I will still be checking in but just not posting anything for a while. I feel a little bullied and scared to write anymore. All I wanted to do was make sure my friend is ok.