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Welcome & getting started


Hello! So good to be here.

Hi all 🙂 

I am a Community Mental Health Peer Practitioner and I am starting to discover and lean in to the wonderful peer communities that we have here in Australia. My career in mental health is only a few months old, but I am loving it thus far. It is amazing to have a job with purpose and meaning in which I can use my own lived experience to assist others in their journey - a privilege and an honour, really. 

I really enjoy speaking with other people who have a lived experience of complex mental health challenges - the discussion is often so interesting! We with lived experience are a colourful group 🙂 

I am a big fan of Death Metal / Deathcore and Psychedelic Trance - they are two very different genres but they share a lot in the way of their momentum, intensity and cathartic expression. I recently planted over 100 seedlings in (belated) time for spring - an ADHD moment struck me in the garden on a really beautiful, sunny day and some of them are starting to sprout! The established plants that I already have - thyme, parsley, mint, chives - the only ones that survived my last ADHD garden moment and consequent obsession with something other than gardening (haha), are thriving. I recently bought some triggerpoint balls and a foam roller and have found a lot of joy in Yoga and other activities that involve the connection between the mind and body - so good for re-integration!

What are some of your interests? What gives you joy? What helps your recovery? 

🙂 wonderful to be here, take care all.


Re: Hello! So good to be here.

hi @Malus and welcome
i do hope you find us to be a supportive community. its great youve been able to find some things to help manage your own mental health too.

please fee free to have a look around and join in where ever you like

Re: Hello! So good to be here.

Thank you Outlander 🙂 much appreciated.

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Re: Hello! So good to be here.

Sending a warm welcome to you @Malus 

I am excited for you that your passion for the lived experience movement & discovery has lead you to the forums here at Sane Smiley Happy

There are many ongoing interesting discussions that happen here, please feel free to jump into any convo’s you see that interest you!

For me I have found that the diversity of the community that I’ve come in contact within the lived experience spaces really enriching in my life.

Music can be such a great thing can’t it! It helps me get out of my head at times & I’m intrigued by those different styles you love.

In answering your Q's - Some of my interests that also give me a lot of joy are nature adventures, getting creative & at the moment it’s abstract painting, yoga (can relate to what you’ve found too about re-integration) and cooking. TBH, they all really help with my recovery, but I’ve also found supportive communities to really boost my journey of wellbeing.

To me that means, finding those people who ‘get’ me and the therapy (if that’s your thing) that suits me. As having tried many different therapeutic approaches, not all fit the individual.

Thanks for getting me thinking this morning!

And again, welcome!, glad to have you with us Smiley Happy


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Re: Hello! So good to be here.

Hello @Mallus, I enjoy gardening too. I also like books, music, and exercise like walking and swimming. I also like sleeping when I can get the opportunity to sleep! I also like excursions and shopping.
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Re: Hello! So good to be here.

@Malus I'll try tagging you again. Sorry!
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Re: Hello! So good to be here.

Was also wondering if you could please put the @ symbol in front of usernames @Malus, so we are notified of your posts? thanks! I would also like to tag some people over here because this is an interesting thread!
@Appleblossom, @RedHorse, @Herewegoround, @DogMan79, @Zoe7, @Eve7, @Beads, @Molly22, @daddy, @Former-Member, @Jynx, @cloudcore, @Daisydreamer, @Peri, @eth, @Emelia8, @Sophia1, @greenpea, @Dimity, @Judi9877, @BlueBay, @Former-Member, @TAB, @Meowmy, @Former-Member, @Clawde, @Shaz51, @HenryX, @Former-Member, @Blackflame, @Paperdaisy

Re: Hello! So good to be here.

@Former-Member my phone just beeped at 4.30am


Please stop tagging me in everything. I don't come here often 

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Re: Hello! So good to be here.

I beg your pardon áDogMan79. I'm not on here to offend everybody. I prefer that you just ignore me, instead of being rude to me. I flagged your post.

Re: Hello! So good to be here.

Hello @Former-Member, forgive the terribly late reply, haha - I have ADHD so I tend to pick things up passionately for a bit and then totally forget about them for months, it is a WIP, haha.

Thanks for your welcome 🙂 it sounds like you have a wholesome repertoire of healing and self-care strategies in place.
What sort of abstract painting do you like to do?

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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