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Re: Self care- walking and cycling

If all goes to plan we will be making a move mid September to a location that will make morning and afternoon walks more convenient so looking forward to that.  We currently live in a semi rural area so roadside not ideal for walking. Hopefully moving into outskirts of town where there are great walking paths. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Sounds as though you've been pretty busy @Determined It's quite nice to start and end the day with a walk. Incidental exercise is great too because it feels less effortful. I tend to find walking clears my mind a bit by getting me out of my head and into my body. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Hoping it will be easier to get into a routine once we have moved @Former-Member


Were we are there is a hill to walk up to get out of the street on top of no real footpath. Close by the new place is a paved walking track and it is relatively flat. It also close enough for me to walk to work/ uni and close by 2 parks that we can walk to with the children and a dog park that our collie boy will love. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Haha the self care and exercise seems to have gone out the window. I shall try again starting tomorrow.   1400 steps today. 

Planning a walk tomorrow after work. Will drive out to a park that has a mostly level walking track and do a few laps. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Try again lol

I managed a walk to uni today.

Hoping to do something like this every day if I can. Going to be a lot eaiser in out new location.

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Re: Self care- walking and cycling

This was my moving day effort last Friday

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Re: Self care- walking and cycling

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Re: Self care- walking and cycling

WOW WOW @Determined Smiley Very Happy

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

WOW is what my feet are currently telling me @Shaz51 lol. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

yes I think your feet wil be telling you wow @Determined Heart