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Re: Self care- walking and cycling

That's a great goal to set @Determined, and you're not far off already!

I keep hearing that consistency is key, even if you can't make your goal each day it's the trying that counts. You're inspiring me to try up my game as well Smiley Very Happy

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Thanks for the encouragement @Ali11 

I need to start walkimg to work and uni again. That is 2km each way 3 days a week so will be a good start. I was doing well at the end of last year when we moved to a new location closer to town and with good walking paths but life got bumpy for a while so it fell away while I was on holidays. 


Goal 2 is 50km / week on the push bike together with my darling . (Start with 2x30 km rides is the plan) Darlimg and I being motivated at the same time has been a bit hit and miss lol. Coming into winter is a problem as a lot of fog in the morning so not safe. (Mornings before children rise is our best option). 


Re: Self care- walking and cycling

It can be so challenging to maintain the routine, can't it @Determined? Exercising in almost any form drops in priority when life is getting a little bumpy. I think it's how gyms make so much money selling memberships that don't get utilised Smiley LOL

The bike rides with your darling sound like they'll be a great way to bond as well, sharing the fresh air and sights, getting the heart pumping. Definitely watch out in that fog, if there's been a mist the roads/paths can be quite slippery too. I've taken a slide on more than one occasion after a morning frost (luckily no broken bones though!). I find riding a bike quite meditative as well, you almost lose your sense of time and suddenly that 30km will be done. When do you think you'll start trying the rides?

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

I would like to try on the weekends @Ali11 but darling is determined to ride in the early morning when it is cooler. There is a time she used to go out at 5am rain hail or shine. Meds are currenrly making early morning starts hard for her though unfortunatly. 

I used to do a 30-40 km ride after lunch on Sunday so would like to try that agIn as a starting point.  I used to find the first 15-20 km hard then blink and the last 10-20 km was done.

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

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Re: Self care- walking and cycling

This is today's effort 

The first line of 1.2 in was actually 2 ways so but I forgot to log it so I can double that 😊

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Re: Self care- walking and cycling

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Re: Self care- walking and cycling

How is the walking going @Determined? That last post was a lot of steps! 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Has been consistently wet here @Ali11 so not much walking at the moment unfortunately.

I need to dust off the treadmill I think. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Sounds like it could be a good idea @Determined, have you got a good view that you can set the treadmill to? It'd be so handy having one at home!